Another triathlon long distance racing season is coming to a close and, of course – for everyone, there were many ups and several downs. This is why we, as triathletes, enjoy the sport so much; you run through a whole range of emotions each and every training session and race. We are constantly reaching for that Holy Grail where you have the race of your life and all your hard work and dedication pays off in one shining moment. However, what it takes to get there is full of pot holes and curve balls that challenge even the most battled tested of athletes. This is what is called the triathlon roller coaster; it is never easy…
When initially reporting in after working with Vector450 for the first quarter of 2015, the roller coaster was in full effect. Challenge Dubai was an OK race under a slight sickness that erupted to full blown chaos on the flight to Auckland. The next five days was spent in fetal position hoping the body could possibly recover before Ironman New Zealand. Vector450 was used religiously and excessive sleep was a must. You will surprise yourself sometimes with how resilient the body is if the mind can also follow in effort to have a solid race. This is the epitome of the up, down, twisting, and turning nature of the triathlon roller coaster.
What has been learned is that you can’t stop the roller coaster ride; you can only try to contain it. Your health and recovery are two of the main things that can derail your race and sometimes your season. There is no avoiding fatigue and general sickness although you can try to lessen the affects and/or try to contain it. This has been my experience with Vector450. You try your best to attempt to smooth out that roller coaster ride using all the tools at your disposal, though you will never have that streamlined straight ride into the sunset. The peaks and valleys are inevitable yet you can aid in reducing those valleys.
The end of the year racing, after a disappointing Kona, was challenging to say the least. After ten races, the body was showing signs of teetering on fatigue and breaking down. You are more susceptible to sickness during these time periods yet, as I mentioned before, the body is resilient and may surprise you when it rises to the occasion. Ironman Arizona and Ironman Taupo 70.3 were fast approaching and the training was all about maintaining and not trying to acquire more fitness.
The week before Ironman Arizona, my Vector450 was running low and we ended up leaving before a new package arrived. A needed bottle was to be sent to our hotel in Tempe and unfortunately, it went missing! GASP! I had been battling a chest cough which was on the verge of becoming something much more. Laying low was key leading up until the race, sleeping and using Recovery Boots. Understandably, the duties surrounding a race, as pro triathletes will attest to, pull you in many directions. Without my trusty Vector450, I was a little bit nervous that the oncoming cold could mushroom into a much bigger problem!
Race day arrived and it was cold and rainy. I would normally welcome these conditions yet they were not exactly ideal for my physical state at the time! The body thankfully made it through the swim and bike; however, the run is where any deficiency rears its ugly head in a full Ironman distance race. There was massive rifraff in my throat and if I started coughing, I knew it would erupt into a hacking fit which would cause me to completely stop. This is were it helped to KCCO (Keep Calm Carry On) as much as humanly possible. Fortunately the sickness held off through the finishing chute and my eyes were already looking down the road to New Zealand.
Upon returning home, pneumonia was diagnosed the culprit and thus the lead in to Taupo was a bit dicey!. Vector450 again was thankfully back in action at my disposal which I know can’t eradicate sickness, though it can aid in recovering faster. I took more of Vector450 on the days leading up to our thirteen hour flight to Auckland is which was so helpful since it also helps with travel inflammation! Being in New Zealand with the fresh air and nurturing environment, has always been a cure to clear the body and mind in our world. My thirty-seven year old legs thankfully propelled the body to the finishing chute closing out 12 races on the year (3 Full Ironmans; 9 Half Ironmans).
We have seen first hand, in 2015, the direct results that Vector450 can have on your immune and muscle recovery. Long distance triathlon racing is no walk in the park. I was fortunate enough to toe the line twelve times this year and come out on a high in eight of these races. There is no doubt a little luck was involved in this yet it is more than evident that Vector450 aided in helping get to the start line in racing shape. There were days closer to 100% than others and this is the life of a triathlete as we all know.
We will be watching closely the study they are doing with Vector450 this winter which will be a double blind placebo done by independent PhD’s. They are setting out to prove the recovery myself and many others are talking about and the immune protection we experience by testing important markers in the saliva and blood. This is all coming from how this protein works in the gut to reduce the triggers of inflammation, which we as endurance athletes, always have challenges with in training and racing!
Start YOUR New Year off right and get some Vector450 of your own here: Vector450 – Meredith Kessler